[Zope-CMF] Re: [dev] enhancing Actions: a rough proposal

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Tue Nov 23 15:53:59 EST 2004

yuppie wrote at 2004-11-23 20:51 +0100:
> ...
>> I find SkinsTool configuration for additional tools/products
>> quite difficult and error prone (in CMF 1.4; I did not yet look
>> at CMF 1.5) -- much more difficult than action configuration.
> ...
>I doubt it would be an improvement if several tools would act as skin 

At least it is easier to integrate default action
definitions of an add-on product than the skins provided by
the product.

> ...
>> The "alias" mechanism is often not flexible enough: they
>> cannot handle request parameters, for example.
>> We use, e.g.:
>>    Name: Add NewsItem
>>    URL:  string:$content_url/addItem?type=NewsItem
>>    Name: Add AdItem
>>    URL:  string:$content_url/addItem?type=AdItem
>I don't understand this example. Are these Actions of 'NewsItem' and 
>'AdItem' or are these 'Folder' Actions? I only could see a problem if 
>these actions would need to have the same id.

These actions are actions of (e.g.) Newsletter types.
Newsletters (there are several types which differentiate in
presentation and editorial process) can contain news items
and ads (and maybe further content types).

There is no need for them to have the same id, but
it is natural to define these actions with the type
and not at a different place.

I remember that some colleagues have a different opinion on
this. They would like all actions centrally maintained.
They may be happy with your proposal...


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