[Zope-CMF] Re: [Plone-developers] PLIP - Ship SessionCrumbler instead of CookieCrumbler

Tres Seaver tseaver at zope.com
Tue Oct 12 11:28:48 EDT 2004

Simon Eisenmann wrote:
> On Tue, 2004-10-12 at 16:15 +0200, Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:
>>All you need to do is to set a _ZopeID cookie that you have stolen, login
>>(you are already logged in), and use the 'mail password' script to send
>>the password.
> Ok right thats a problem. But i think i can wrap the password in the
> session inside a special object which itself does some additional
> verification that this request really may access this session. Such
> additional checks could check the source IP address of the client for
> instance. Doing stuff like this would mean that the user needs to fake a
> HTTP request which is a bit more complex than just using the mail
> password script. How do you feel about this?

No truly secure system keeps the user's plaintext password *anywhere* 
(the "mail me my password" bit can only be a "reset my password and mail 
me the reset value" in such a system).  The hack which CookieCrumbler 
uses (and I presume SessionCrumbler, from the discussion), makes a 
request *look* to Zope like basic auth, and therefore has to keep the 
plaintext password around somewhere.

Personally, I don't see a lot of benefit in expending development effort 
trying to polish a fundamentally insecure approach.  Basic auth over SSL 
is actually more secure than either of the two "crumblers";  digest auth 
would be even better, and client certificates better than that.

Tres Seaver                                tseaver at zope.com
Zope Corporation      "Zope Dealers"       http://www.zope.com

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