[Zope-CMF] Fwd: [CMF] 281/ 1 Request "FSFile content_type weakness"

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Mon Sep 6 13:56:10 EDT 2004

Jens Vagelpohl wrote at 2004-9-5 21:38 +0200:
>> The implementation of this may be a bit tricky because
>> the object does not know whether a value was provided by
>> a metadata file or a previous guess.
> ...
>I believe correcting the computation in FSFile._readFile to consider 
>the .metadata file first should do the trick.

You got the problematic case?

  There is no ".metadata" file.

  The content_type was guessed in "_readFile".

  You change the file; in development mode "_readFile"
  is executed again. It probably should reguess the content_type
  (based on the new content).


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