[Zope-CMF] Reusable ZPT widgets in the CMF?

Lennart Regebro regebro at nuxeo.com
Tue Mar 22 09:41:35 EST 2005

Dean Stringer wrote:
> Hi again,
> Further to my post last week[1] I'm part of a team building a Zope
> environment which will provide ZPT based customised CMF sites for
> clients and standalone ZPT based apps and content (i.e. not in
> the CMF). Both are coming along nicely but we're finding we
> develop some widgets twice (e.g. navigation, and personalisation
> stuff) both as ZPT standalone and CMF friendly ZPT for use
> within the CMF.
> Rather than engineering two versions of these common components, what
> strategy should we use to reduce development and maintenance of them?
> e.g. Should we make as much of the scripting Python calls with
> simple ZPT wrappers in both the CMF and standalone ZPT sites? Should
> we create some sort of product that is aware of where or how its
> invoked (e.g. in the CMF or outside)

CPS we have done several of these things, and we mostly end up doing 
products. Weh have one product for making navigation widgets, and we 
have of course CPSSchemas, that provide data schemas with fields and 
widgets (which can include a widget that pops up a window to browse in 
the document hierarchy for example).

> Any published case-studies or docs you might refer me to

Published case-studies?!?
Oh, you must work on a university or something. ;)

Lennart Regebro, Nuxeo     http://www.nuxeo.com/
CPS Content Management     http://www.cps-project.org/

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