[Zope-CMF] Re: purging of actions in CMF 1.6

Rob Miller ra at burningman.com
Thu Jan 19 13:34:13 EST 2006

Florent Guillaume wrote:
> It seems that an extension profile can't add actions to an action  
> provide in CMF 1.6. Or, rather, if you do it all previous actions are  
> erased.
> The actions exportimport code has:
>     def _initProviders(self, node):
>         ...
>             # delete any actions that are auto-created
>             provider = getToolByName(self.context, provider_id)
>             num_actions = len(provider.listActions())
>             if num_actions:
>                 provider.deleteActions(range(0,num_actions))
> What is this for? It's harmful.

ah, whoops.  this is mine.  it's meant to work around the fact that the 
tools have their action sets hard-coded when they are instantiated; if 
this is not there, the actions would be duplicated when the actions are 
loaded from the setup profile.

> Also, it seems actions inside action providers aren't purged correctly.

the code above is an attempt to do just that.

> Can someone shed light on what the code tries to do? Can I use  
> "newstyle" action profiles in CMF 1.6?

that's the idea.  i just didn't account for extension profiles when i 
wrote the action purging code.  does it make sense to skip the action 
purge when it is an extension profile being run?  or is there a more 
sensible way to handle this?


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