[Zope-CMF] Re: Tools as local utilities

Jens Vagelpohl jens at dataflake.org
Sun Nov 19 08:37:01 EST 2006

Hash: SHA1

Using just the ActionsTool right now in order to get that all set up  
and then move to the other tools, I've gotten almost always there,  
but there is one set of tests that refuse to run right now, the ones  
in CMFCore.exportimport.tests.test_actions which derive from class  

Here's the change I have made in the actions importer code so far:

- --------------------------------------------------
Index: actions.py
- --- actions.py  (revision 71182)
+++ actions.py  (working copy)
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
          import ActionProvider as z2IActionProvider
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName

+from zope.component import getUtility
_SPECIAL_PROVIDERS = ('portal_actions', 'portal_types',  

@@ -247,7 +249,7 @@
      """Import actions tool.
      site = context.getSite()
- -    tool = getToolByName(site, 'portal_actions')
+    tool = getUtility(IActionsTool, context=site)

      importObjects(tool, '', context)

@@ -255,7 +257,7 @@
      """Export actions tool.
      site = context.getSite()
- -    tool = getToolByName(site, 'portal_actions', None)
+    tool = getUtility(IActionsTool, context=site)
      if tool is None:
          logger = context.getLogger('actions')
          logger.info('Nothing to export.')
- ----------------------------------------------------------

As you can see, all I did was a straight replacement getToolByName ->  
getUtility. I have made the following change to  
_ActionSetup._initSite to try and make it work, similar changes have  
made other tests work:

- -----------------------------------------------------------
Index: test_actions.py
- --- test_actions.py (revision 71182)
+++ test_actions.py (working copy)
@@ -332,7 +332,9 @@

      def setUp(self):
          import Products.CMFCore
+        from Products.CMFCore.interfaces._tools import IActionsTool
          from Products.CMFCore.ActionsTool import ActionsTool
+        from zope.component import getGlobalSiteManager

          zcml.load_config('configure.zcml', Products.CMFCore)
@@ -342,17 +344,29 @@
          self._obj = site.portal_actions
          self._BODY = _ACTIONSTOOL_BODY

+        # utility registration
+        gsm = getGlobalSiteManager()
+        gsm.registerUtility(self._obj, IActionsTool)

class _ActionSetup(BaseRegistryTests):

      def _initSite(self, foo=2, bar=2):
- -        self.root.site = Folder(id='site')
+        from Products.CMFCore.ActionsTool import ActionsTool
+        from zope.component import getGlobalSiteManager
+        #self.root.site = Folder(id='site')
+        self.root.site = DummySite('site')
          site = self.root.site
          site.portal_membership = DummyMembershipTool()

          site.portal_actions = DummyActionsTool()

+        # utility registration
+        gsm = getGlobalSiteManager()
+        gsm.registerUtility(site.portal_actions, IActionsTool)
          if foo > 0:
              site.portal_foo = DummyTool()
- ------------------------------------------------------------

I still get these tracebacks:

- -------------------------------------------------------------
Error in test test_remove_skip_purge  
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/local/zope/opt/Zope-2.10-branch/lib/python/Testing/ 
ZopeTestCase/profiler.py", line 98, in __call__
   File "/usr/local/zope/210Instance/Products/CMFCore/exportimport/ 
tests/test_actions.py", line 609, in test_remove_skip_purge
   File "/usr/local/zope/210Instance/Products/CMFCore/exportimport/ 
actions.py", line 252, in importActionProviders
     tool = getUtility(IActionsTool, context=site)
   File "/usr/local/zope/opt/Zope-2.10-branch/lib/python/zope/ 
component/_api.py", line 204, in getUtility
     utility = queryUtility(interface, name, context=context)
   File "/usr/local/zope/opt/Zope-2.10-branch/lib/python/zope/ 
component/_api.py", line 210, in queryUtility
     return getSiteManager(context).queryUtility(interface, name,  
   File "/usr/local/zope/opt/Zope-2.10-branch/lib/python/zope/ 
component/_api.py", line 48, in getSiteManager
     raise ComponentLookupError(*error.args)
ComponentLookupError: ('Could not adapt',  
<Products.CMFCore.tests.base.dummy.DummySite object at 0x2bc7ff0>,  
<InterfaceClass zope.component.interfaces.IComponentLookup>)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------

I have tried various different things in _initSite, including the  
whole site registration dance like this, which for right now happens  
in CMFDefault.setuphandlers.importVarious:

- ------------------------------------------------------------------
         enableSite(site, iface=IObjectManagerSite)
         components = PersistentComponents()
         components.__bases__ = (base,)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------

I've spent several hours and can't make those tests work. Anyone have  
a hint for me?


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