[Zope-CMF] [dev] Unauthorized handling - a proposal

yuppie y.2010 at wcm-solutions.de
Tue Apr 20 08:19:29 EDT 2010


Charlie Clark wrote:
> Please add a separate folder for these views. We need to separate them
>   from the content ones.

Why? 'browser' is a generic name, that folder is usually used for *all* 
browser views. Which folder names would you propose?

> BTW. (For pedagogic reason I'm not too keen on
> EditForms being used when objects aren't being edited.)

Why? Is this about names or implementation? EditFormBase is for all 
kinds of editable forms, ContentEditFormBase for content objects.

> So +1 from me but as per my other e-mails - what will the CookieCrumbler
> do afterwards?
> Using a view means that there is a hardcoded relation between the login
> form and the login cookies.

That doesn't have to be hardcoded. We could look up the cookie settings 
in the CookieCrumbler.

> This is the current interface for ICookieCrumbler with proposed
> deprecation decorators
> class ICookieCrumbler(Interface):
>       """Reads cookies during traversal and simulates the HTTP auth headers.
>       """
>       @deprecate auth_cookie = Attribute("""The key of the authorisation
> cookie""")
>       @deprecate name_cookie = Attribute("""They key of the authorised user
> cookie""")
>       @deprecate pw_cookie = Attribute("""The key of the password cookie""")

Why deprecated? We can keep these 3 configurable and look them up.

>       persist_cookie = Attribute("""The key of the persistent cookie""")
>       local_cookie_path = Attribute("""If True, the cookie tied to the local
> path?""")
>       cache_header_value = Attribute("""If present, the login page will not
> be cached""")
>       log_username = Attribute("""If True, the username will in appear in
> Zope's log""")
>       def delRequestVar(req, name):
>            """No errors of any sort may propagate, and we don't care *what*
>             they are, even to log them."""
>       def getCookiePath():
>           """Get the path for the cookie
>           the parent URL if local_cookie_path is True otherwise /"""
>           return path
>       @deprecate
>       def getCookieMethod(name, default=None):
>           """ Allow overridable cookie set/expiration methods."""
>           return getattr(name, default)

Why deprecated?

>       def defaultSetAuthCookie(resp, cookie_name, cookie_value):
>           """Set the authorisation cookie"""
>       def defaultExpireAuthCookie(resp, cookie_name):
>           """Expire the cookie"""
>       def _setAuthHeader(ac, request, response):
>           """Set the auth headers for both the Zope and Medusa http request
>           objects.
>           """
>       @deprecate
>       def modifyRequest(req, resp):
>           """Copies cookie-supplied credentials to the basic auth fields.
>           Returns a flag indicating what the user is trying to do with
>           cookie login is disabled for this request, raises
>           CookieCrumblerDisabled.
>           """

Why deprecated?

>       def __call__(container, req):
>           """The __before_publishing_traverse__ hook."""
>       @deprecate
>       def credentialsChanged(user, name, pw):
>           """# XXX: this method violates the rules for tools/utilities:
>           # it depends on self.REQUEST """

Why deprecated?

>       @deprecate	
>       def _cleanupResponse():
>           """# XXX: this method violates the rules for tools/utilities:
>           # it depends on self.REQUEST"""

+1 for deprecating (or maybe just removing) it

>       @deprecate
>       def unauthorized():
>           """Remove authentication cookies and redirect to standard
> unauthorized"""

+1 for deprecating (or maybe just removing) it

>       @deprecate
>       def _unauthorized():
>           """Remove authentication cookies and redirect to standard
> _unauthorized"""

+1 for deprecating (or maybe just removing) it

>       @deprecate
>       def getUnauthorizedURL():
>           """
>           Redirects to the login page.
>           """

+1 for deprecating (or maybe just removing) it

>       @deprecate
>       def logout():
>           """
>           Logs out the user and redirects to the logout page.
>           """

Why deprecated?

>       def propertyLabel(id):
>           """Return a label for the given property id
>           """
> I'm more than happy to help with this if there is anything I can do that
> doesn't mean you spend more time answering my questions than it would take
> to do the work! :-)

I'm only working on the login process. Could you perhaps start working 
on the logout process before we bring everything together?



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