[Zope-CMF] Security declarations on adapters

yuppie y.2012 at wcm-solutions.de
Fri Sep 7 14:57:16 UTC 2012

Hi Charlie!

Charlie Clark wrote:
> Am 07.09.2012, 09:01 Uhr, schrieb yuppie <y.2012 at wcm-solutions.de>:
>>  And I have a quick and dirty view implementation for local
>> role/sharing. Reimplementing it based on formlib would be a lot of
>> work, so maybe I should just check in my code.
> As I'm not even sure what it does I'd definitely suggest you check it
> in.


> I'd also be very interested in your "skinless" workaround. As luck
> would have it I was discussing CMF with someone and I think we should
> have it in the docs somewhere.

Well. Basically it works out of the box. If you have a complete ZTK 
skin, you can delete the skins tool.

The sites I converted just use the features that already have browser 
views in CMFDefault or customized browser views in my own code, so 
missing views like those for discussion were no problem.

The biggest issue I had to fight with is the fact that 
zope.browserresource (or the Zope 2 specific version in Five) is much 
harder to use than static resources in a CMF DirectoryView. Some 
packages exist that try to provide better resources support, but I'm not 
aware of any package that resolves my issues.

I really don't want to register each icon separately in zcml, but I want 
to be able to override single icons. And I want to have some control 
over the urls of the resources. I want files like 'robots.txt' and 
'favicon.ico' in the root, other resources in subdirectories like 
'images' or 'resources'.

Currently I use browser:resourceDirectory to register one resources 
directory per layer, and a special view that walks through 
directlyProvidedBy(request).__iro__ to find the first layer that 
contains the requested resource. This is an expensive hack, but does 
what I need.

I'm still fighting with HEAD and PROPFIND requests for resources. So far 
I wasn't able to figure out how ZTK handles these. The errors returned 
by Zope 2 are not useful. Some clients retry those requests several 
times because they interpret the errors as temporary.

> I would also like to add a quick install guide for anyone wanting to use
> CMFDefault as a springboard.

Not sure what exactly you mean by springboard in this context.

>>  I didn't propose to pack all this in CMF 2.3. My list also contains
>> the next steps after the release.
> Where is the list?

I didn't mean a big list. Just the few steps I mentioned in the previous 



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