[Zope-CVS] CVS: Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zope2 - apeconf.xml:1.6 classifier.py:1.8 ofsserial.py:1.8

Shane Hathaway shane at zope.com
Sat Feb 28 15:07:00 EST 2004

Update of /cvs-repository/Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zope2
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv30293/lib/apelib/zope2

Modified Files:
	apeconf.xml classifier.py ofsserial.py 
Log Message:
Merged ape-fs-oid-branch.

Ape now uses arbitrary OIDs on the filesystem, rather than using paths 
as OIDs.  This solves problems with moving and replacing objects and 
further unifies SQL and filesystem databases.

=== Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zope2/apeconf.xml 1.5 => 1.6 ===
--- Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zope2/apeconf.xml:1.5	Thu Feb 19 01:44:06 2004
+++ Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zope2/apeconf.xml	Sat Feb 28 15:06:29 2004
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
   <classifier factory="apelib.zope2.classifier.Classifier">
    <gateway factory="apelib.fs.classification.FSClassificationAnnotation" />
-  <oid-generator factory="apelib.core.oidgen.PathOIDGenerator" />
+  <oid-generator factory="apelib.core.oidgen.SerialOIDGenerator" />
  <variation name="sql">
   <classifier factory="apelib.zope2.classifier.Classifier">
@@ -28,12 +28,11 @@
  <serializer name="roll_call" factory="apelib.zodb3.serializers.RollCall" />
  <variation name="filesystem">
   <gateway name="items" factory="apelib.fs.structure.root_mapping" />
-  <use-for oid="/_root" />
  <variation name="sql">
   <gateway name="items" factory="apelib.sql.structure.root_mapping" />
-  <use-for oid="0" />
+ <use-for oid="0" />
 <!-- Abstract mappers -->
@@ -128,6 +127,8 @@
  <serializer name="text" factory="apelib.core.serializers.StringDataAttribute"
   param="_text" />
  <gateway name="text" use="text_data" />
+ <serializer name="bindings" factory="apelib.core.serializers.IgnoredAttribute"
+  param="_bind_names" />
  <use-for extensions=".html .htm .zpt .pt" />
@@ -196,9 +197,7 @@
  <serializer name="id" enabled="false" />
  <gateway name="id" enabled="false" />
  <gateway name="items" use="dir_items" />
- <variation name="filesystem">
-  <use-for oid="/" />
- </variation>
+ <use-for generic="basepath" />
 <mapper name="anyfile">
@@ -209,4 +208,3 @@

=== Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zope2/classifier.py 1.7 => 1.8 ===
--- Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zope2/classifier.py:1.7	Tue Feb 17 00:25:13 2004
+++ Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zope2/classifier.py	Sat Feb 28 15:06:29 2004
@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@
     'application/octet-stream': '',  # No extension--too overloaded.
+generic_classifications = (
+    'directory', 'file', 'folder_object', 'file_object', 'basepath')
 class Classifier:
     """A classifier with some minimal Zope 2 extensions.
@@ -60,8 +63,7 @@
         elif condition == 'class':
             self.class_to_mapper[value] = mapper_name
         elif condition == 'generic':
-            assert value in (
-                'directory', 'file', 'folder_object', 'file_object'), value
+            assert value in generic_classifications, value
             self.generic_to_mapper[value] = mapper_name
         elif condition == 'oid':
             self.oid_to_mapper[value] = mapper_name
@@ -124,28 +126,37 @@
             classification['class_name'] = class_name
         mapper_name = classification.get('mapper_name')
         if mapper_name is None:
-            # bw compat: look for certain meta_types.
-            mt = classification.get('meta_type')
-            if mt == '(folderish object)':
-                mapper_name = self.generic_to_mapper.get('folder_object')
-            elif mt == '(fileish object)':
-                mapper_name = self.generic_to_mapper.get('file_object')
-        if mapper_name is None and class_name is not None:
-            mapper_name = self.class_to_mapper.get(class_name)
-        if mapper_name is None:
-            t = classification.get('node_type')
-            if t == 'd':
-                # Directory
-                mapper_name = self.generic_to_mapper.get('directory')
-            elif t == 'f':
-                # File
-                ext = classification.get('extension')
-                if ext:
-                    if not ext.startswith('.'):
-                        ext = '.' + ext
-                    mapper_name = self.ext_to_mapper.get(ext.lower())
-                if not mapper_name:
-                    mapper_name = self.generic_to_mapper.get('file')
+            # The choice of mapper is not stored explicitly.  Choose
+            # one based on several criteria.
+            if 1:
+                # bw compat: look for certain meta_types.
+                mt = classification.get('meta_type')
+                if mt == '(folderish object)':
+                    mapper_name = self.generic_to_mapper.get('folder_object')
+                elif mt == '(fileish object)':
+                    mapper_name = self.generic_to_mapper.get('file_object')
+            if mapper_name is None:
+                if class_name is not None:
+                    mapper_name = self.class_to_mapper.get(class_name)
+            if mapper_name is None:
+                subpath = classification.get('subpath')
+                if subpath is not None and not subpath:
+                    # Application base
+                    mapper_name = self.generic_to_mapper.get('basepath')
+            if mapper_name is None:
+                t = classification.get('node_type')
+                if t == 'd':
+                    # Directory
+                    mapper_name = self.generic_to_mapper.get('directory')
+                elif t == 'f':
+                    # File
+                    ext = classification.get('extension')
+                    if ext:
+                        if not ext.startswith('.'):
+                            ext = '.' + ext
+                        mapper_name = self.ext_to_mapper.get(ext.lower())
+                    if not mapper_name:
+                        mapper_name = self.generic_to_mapper.get('file')
         if mapper_name is None:
             raise ClassificationError(
                 'No mapper known for oid %s' % repr(event.oid))

=== Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zope2/ofsserial.py 1.7 => 1.8 ===
--- Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zope2/ofsserial.py:1.7	Tue Feb 17 00:25:13 2004
+++ Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zope2/ofsserial.py	Sat Feb 28 15:06:29 2004
@@ -84,13 +84,6 @@
     schema.addField('oid', 'string')
     schema.addField('classification', 'classification')
-    # The fixed_oids flag must be turned on when serializing to
-    # an object system with meaningful OIDs (like the filesystem.)
-    # It doesn't need to be on for object systems with arbitrary
-    # OIDs such as SQL databases.
-    def __init__(self, fixed_oids=1):
-        self.fixed_oids = fixed_oids
     def canSerialize(self, obj):
         return isinstance(obj, ObjectManager)
@@ -111,18 +104,11 @@
             event.referenced(id, base, True, oid)
             # No need to pass classification.
             state.append((id, oid, None))
-        if self.fixed_oids:
-            event.ignore('_use_fixed_oids_')
-            # Add a marker that tells the folder it has to move/rename
-            # in a special way.  The _setOb patch sees this attribute.
-            obj._use_fixed_oids_ = 1
         return state
     def deserialize(self, event, state):
         obj = event.obj
         assert isinstance(obj, ObjectManager), obj
-        if self.fixed_oids:
-            obj._use_fixed_oids_ = 1
         for (id, oid, classification) in state:
             subob = event.resolve(id, oid, classification)
             setattr(obj, id, subob)

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