[Zope-CVS] SVN: zversioning/trunk/src/versioning/ Added tests in MOTIVATION.txt

Uwe Oestermeier uwe_oestermeier at iwm-kmrc.de
Wed Oct 13 18:41:43 EDT 2004

Log message for revision 28140:
  Added tests in MOTIVATION.txt

  U   zversioning/trunk/src/versioning/MOTIVATION.txt
  U   zversioning/trunk/src/versioning/policies.py
  U   zversioning/trunk/src/versioning/storage.py

Modified: zversioning/trunk/src/versioning/MOTIVATION.txt
--- zversioning/trunk/src/versioning/MOTIVATION.txt	2004-10-13 22:39:38 UTC (rev 28139)
+++ zversioning/trunk/src/versioning/MOTIVATION.txt	2004-10-13 22:41:42 UTC (rev 28140)
@@ -184,6 +184,19 @@
     'Second text version of a'
     >>> saveAsVersion(c, histories)
+    >>> a001 = histories.getVersion(a, '001')
+    >>> a001.text
+    'First text version of a'
+    >>> a002 = histories.getVersion(a, '002')
+    >>> a002.text
+    'Second text version of a'
+    Note that after the copy process original and versions
+    are all distinct object :
+    >>> a != a001 != a002
+    True
 Now let's update the original object with versioned data. This again is a matter
 of the policy. The simple implementation here replaces the original data
@@ -207,7 +220,8 @@
     >>> new_c.refers_to == a
-The more interesting case arises if we update the refered object too :
+The more interesting case arises if we update the object that has
+been referenced :
     >>> revertToVersionCopy(a, histories, '001')
     >>> new_a = sample["a"]
@@ -218,9 +232,9 @@
 Depending on the use case this might be what you want.
-    >>> util.commit()
 A Second Implementation
@@ -233,19 +247,32 @@
 does not replace the original with a copy but updates only all fields
 with the versioned values.
-#    >>> def revertToVersionState(obj, histories, selector) :
-#    ...     adapter = versioning.policies.UpdateStatusPolicy(obj, histories)
-#    ...     adapter.updateAspects(selector)
-#    >>> a = new_a
-#    >>> a.text
-#    'First text version of a'
-#    >>> revertToVersionState(new_a, histories, '002')
-#    >>> a.text
-#    'Second text version of a'
-#    >>> a == new_a
-#    True
+    >>> def revertToVersionState(obj, histories, selector) :
+    ...     adapter = versioning.policies.UpdateStatusPolicy(obj, histories)
+    ...     adapter.updateAspects(selector)
+    >>> new_a = a
+    >>> a.text
+    'Second text version of a'
+    >>> revertToVersionState(a, histories, '001')
+    >>> a.text
+    'First text version of a'
+    >>> a == new_a
+    True
+    >>> revertToVersionState(a, histories, '002')
+    >>> a.text
+    'Second text version of a'
+    >>> a == new_a
+    True
+    Note that the versions and the objects are all different:
+    >>> a != a001 != a002
+    True
+    >>> c.refers_to == a
+    True
@@ -254,4 +281,3 @@

Modified: zversioning/trunk/src/versioning/policies.py
--- zversioning/trunk/src/versioning/policies.py	2004-10-13 22:39:38 UTC (rev 28139)
+++ zversioning/trunk/src/versioning/policies.py	2004-10-13 22:41:42 UTC (rev 28140)
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
     def copy(self, source, target) :
         """ Copies the state of source to target. """
-        for key, value in source.__getstate__.items() :
+        for key, value in source.__getstate__().items() :
             if key not in ('__name__', '__parent__') :
                 setattr(target, key, value)

Modified: zversioning/trunk/src/versioning/storage.py
--- zversioning/trunk/src/versioning/storage.py	2004-10-13 22:39:38 UTC (rev 28139)
+++ zversioning/trunk/src/versioning/storage.py	2004-10-13 22:41:42 UTC (rev 28140)
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
     def getVersion(self, obj, selector) :
         """ Returns the version of an object that is specified by selector. """
-        history = self.getHistory(obj)
+        history = self.getVersionHistory(obj)
         return history[selector]

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