[Zope-DB] Msg of Rinaldo

Matthew T. Kromer matt@zope.com
Thu, 20 Sep 2001 10:48:27 -0400

Rinaldo Lisario wrote:

> Hi !
> I'm using Zope 2.4.0 with Python and DCOracle2
> In Python, I've a call at my function in oracle:
> *newID=c.callproc("FUNZIONE1")*
> My function in oracle is simply this:
> *  return Integer is*
> *begin
>   return(-1);     
> end;*
> But when I try call my python method in zope 2.4.0, there is this 
> strange error (in Zope 2.1.0 it was ok):
> *An exception occurred in a DTML method or document. *
> *Error type: DatabaseError
> Error value: (6550, "ORA-06550: riga 1, colonna 24:\nPLS-00225: il 
> riferimento al sottoprogramma/cursore 'FUNZIONE1' \xe8 esterno a campo 
> di validit\xe0\nORA-06550: riga 1, colonna 7:\nPL/SQL: Statement 
> ignored") *
> Can I help you?
> Thanks,
> Rinaldo.
This is a bug with beta 5; functions or procedures that are not in a 
package are not called properly.  I'm going to try to put out a new 
release very soon -- I fixed this a week or two ago but haven't made a 
release yet.