[Zope-DB] CCSQLMethods

Maciej Wi¶niowski maciej.wisniowski@euro.coig.pl
Thu, 13 Feb 2003 15:59:45 +0100


I'm using Dieter Maurer's 'CCSQLMethods':
http://www.dieter.handshake.de/pyprojects/zope/CCSQLMethod.html It works
really good, but I don't know how to use FlushCacheEntry Method. My
CCSQLMethod has a lot of
parameters defined like this:


"ord=Nazwa sortType=asc idPro srch_IdKRe=% srch_IdKReS=% srch_NrKRe=%
srch_Numer=% srch_Nazwa=%
 srch_Skrot=% srch_NIP=% srch_Regon=% srch_Adres=% srch_Stan=% srch_VAT=%
 srch_Status:tokens=% srch_IdSplk=%"

Part of method's body:

select * from KOM_v_Propozycje
<dtml-sqlgroup where>
       <dtml-sqltest idPro column="idPro" op=eq type=int optional>
       <dtml-sqltest srch_Nazwa column="Nazwa" op=like type=string>
       <dtml-sqltest srch_Status column="Status" op=like type=string
       <dtml-sqltest srch_Stan column="Stan" op=like type=string>
       <dtml-sqltest srch_NIP column="NIPDigits" op=like type=string>
    <dtml-sqltest srch_IdKRe column="IdKRe" op=like type=string optional>
             idKRe is Null

Now, when I'have cached result set and I've changed record with field
idKRe==1 and I want to refresh this entry what should I do?
>From python script I've tried something like this:


but this doesn't work...
The definition is as follows:
flushCacheEntry(REQUEST=None, **kw)

and what is the role of REQUEST parameter? Do I need to pass all the query
parameters to this method?

Maciej Wisniowski