[Zope-DB] Re: Typical size of result sets

Charlie Clark charlie at egenix.com
Thu Jan 20 08:11:41 EST 2005

On 2005-01-20 at 10:28:44 [+0100], Chris Withers <chris at simplistix.co.uk> 
> Charlie Clark wrote:
> > Zope 2 is still in production in lots of sites and is likely to remain so.
> Well, yes...
> > posSQL will be released as a separate product as it will do more than just
> > use positional parameters.
> What's posSQL?

It's the working name for new ZSQL methods which will work with positional 
parameters (preferably ? / qmarks) to provide more performance and 
flexibility for SQL statements. qmarks are preferred as the ODBC standard and 
using bound parameters allows the database to cache the statement even when 
the parameters vary. As a result it is less likely that the SQL statement 
becomes too long.


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