[Zope-DB] Which objects can be stored in Data.fs

Jens Vagelpohl jens at dataflake.org
Thu Oct 6 09:10:10 EDT 2005

On 6 Oct 2005, at 14:00, rdl3 at compaqnet.fr wrote:
> So I went to the "undo" part of the ZMI, and I saw that zope stored  
> in the
> database every, EVERY transaction, that means even the simple fact of
> VIEWING a page. I began to understand why it increased so  
> dramatically.
> So my questions are:
> 1) is it normal ?
> 2) is it possible to tell zope NOT to store some things in the  
> database
> (for instance in zope.conf-I've looked but not too closely and found
> nothing)

1) It is not normal and usually caused by badly written software that  
you run on top of Zope.

2) No.


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