[Zope-DB] How lunch SQL request from python script ?

CERETTO Thierry t.ceretto at chu-nancy.fr
Thu Jan 18 05:52:42 EST 2007

Hi and all my wishes for you for 2007,



Zope 2.8.6-final, python 2.3.5, win32, ZMySQLDA, MySQL for python.


In ZMI (I know, it's not very well but I'm a newbie...), I use  "Z MySQL
database connection", "Z SQL method", "Page Template", etc, that's works
fine but in "Z SQL method" I use only a simple SQL query, like this  :



select distinct c.id_risque, c.libelle_risque, c.id_fiche, c.id_portee,

from (mots a join amotrisque b on a.id_mot = b.id_mot )

             join risques c on b.id_risque = c.id_risque

where a.<dtml-sqltest mot_MAJ type="string" op="like">




But now, I need to submit a dynamic SQL query something like this:




select distinct c.id_risque, c.libelle_risque, c.id_fiche, c.id_portee,

from (mots a join amotrisque b on a.id_mot = b.id_mot )

             join risques c on b.id_risque = c.id_risque

where a.mot_MAJ like '%@@CRITERE1@@%'


select distinct c.id_risque, c.libelle_risque, c.id_fiche, c.id_portee,

from (mots a join amotrisque b on a.id_mot = b.id_mot )

             join risques c on b.id_risque = c.id_risque

where a.mot_MAJ like '%@@CRITERE2@@%'






where  "%@@CRITERE1@@'" , %@@CRITERE2@@, ...,  are words filled in
textfield (separate by a space).



1) From ONE argument, it's possible to generate SQL dynamic request in
"Z SQL method, if yes, how? (I think that the answer is NO but I'm not


2) I think to do that, I must to use a python script, I have a piece of
code (above) but I don't know to connect MySql database and I don't know
how to lunch my SQL query in python :-( (and I suppose which I can
generate a HTML results in this same python script OR it's better to
call a Page template to display results?):


for value in textfield.split(' '):

    sqlquery.append("select distinct c.id_risque, c.libelle_risque,
c.id_fiche, c.id_portee, c.url_info \

                    from (mots a join amotrisque b on a.id_mot =
b.id_mot) \

                    join risques c on b.id_risque = c.id_risque \

                    where a.mot_MAJ like '%%%s%%' " % value) 

sqlquery = " union ".join(sqlquery)     


I read many things on web, I try, but without success, example, in ZMI,
in python script object, I write this:

# "my_base" is a "Z MySQL database connection" 

bd = context.my_base()

curs = bd.connection.cursor()


but i get a login box ????


How to connect a Mysql base and run my dynamic SQL request?


Have you an example so that I can start and understand how this works.


Thank you very much!


A desperate French guy :-( :-(








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