[Zope-dev] bug in PythonMethod.py

Ava ava@dde974.equipement.gouv.fr
Fri, 26 Nov 1999 14:28:16 +0400


I found (what I think is) a bug in PythonMethod.py version 0.1.2 from the
PythonMethod product

around line 133 (and 246), we have the following expression:

self._v_selfish = (fc.co_varnames and fc.co_varnames[0]=='self' and
                   (fc.co_argcount - len(f.func_defaults) - 1))

len(f.func_defaults) is not correct because when your function has no
default argument, it is None, and len(None) raises a TypeError. I changed
this to read:

self._v_selfish = (fc.co_varnames and fc.co_varnames[0]=='self' and
                   (fc.co_argcount - len(f.func_defaults or ())))

But it seems that I have to drop the 'minus 1' to get a correct behavior

is func(self, args='') selfish? I think so, but with the 'minus 1', it turns
to be wrong!

What do you think?


Jephté CLAIN

PS: répondez sur minf7@educ.univ-reunion.fr, et pas sur