[Zope-dev] Re: Great Bridge PostgreSQL

Hannu Krosing hannu@tm.ee
Wed, 10 May 2000 19:30:07 +0300

Jerry Spicklemire wrote:
> FYI,
> Many of you probably have seen the blurbs about Great Bridge, a new company
> dedicated to promoting and supporting PostgreSQL. This looked like an
> opportunity to tap into a source of expert support to bring the Python /
> Zope interfaces for PostgreSQL up to par with the currrent revs. Below is a
> reply to an E-Mail I sent to Colin Orr, Great Bridge's technical contact.
> Later,
> Jerry S.
> >From: "colin orr" <max_orr@hotmail.com>
> >To: jerry@spicklemire.com
> >Subject: Re: Great Bridge PostgreSQL
> >Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 08:11:08 GMT
> >
> >Jerry,
> >
> >Thanks for your enquiry and interest. I am currently looking into the state
> >of DB-API2 compliance and I will get back to you shortly with an update.

Actually DB-API and ZPyGreSQL are not the same thing at all. 

Although DB-API compliance could help, the real issues for Zope are with 
the DA (Zope Database Adapter). For some reason the the general belief in 
Zope community is that libpq is not thread-safe (which I believe is not 
true for a few year already ;) and therefor PyGreSQL is can not be made 
thread-safe and thus ZPyGreSQLDA is not thread-safe.

It does not mean that different threads should be able to issue queries
to the same connection (which the backend would not support anyhow), but 
that different threads should be able to open different connections for 
then and not be afraid of stepping on each others toes in the process.
