[Zope-dev] Can't followup to bug 525 - Collector problem, DIFF attached

Brad Clements bkc@murkworks.com
Mon, 19 Aug 2002 11:00:49 -0400

I'm trying to submit a patch to collector item 525

After I login, I select "followup" and enter text and path to the patch file.

When I hit submit, I'm prompted to login again.

If I do login again, I get a very ugly Zope error, most likely because the attached file 
isn't in the redirected request.

Here's the diff with Zope 2.5.1 to "fix" this problem by redirecting unauthorized 
exceptions to the real HTTPResponse object

*** orig-251/xmlrpc.py	Mon Aug 19 09:15:28 2002
--- xmlrpc.py	Mon Aug 19 09:23:05 2002
*** 22,27 ****
--- 22,29 ----
  import sys
  from HTTPResponse import HTTPResponse
  import xmlrpclib
+ from zExceptions import Unauthorized
  def parse_input(data):
      """Parse input data and return a method path and argument tuple
*** 118,124 ****
          # traceback object.
          if type(info) is type(()) and len(info)==3: t,v,tb = info
          else: t,v,tb = sys.exc_info()
          # Create an appropriate Fault object. Unfortunately, we throw away
          # most of the debugging information. More useful error reporting is
          # left as an exercise for the reader.
--- 120,130 ----
          # traceback object.
          if type(info) is type(()) and len(info)==3: t,v,tb = info
          else: t,v,tb = sys.exc_info()
!         if t == 'Unauthorized' or t == Unauthorized or (
!             isinstance(t, types.ClassType) and issubclass(t, Unauthorized)):
!             return self._real.exception(fatal=fatal,info=info)
          # Create an appropriate Fault object. Unfortunately, we throw away
          # most of the debugging information. More useful error reporting is
          # left as an exercise for the reader.

Brad Clements,                bkc@murkworks.com   (315)268-1000
http://www.murkworks.com                          (315)268-9812 Fax
AOL-IM: BKClements