AW: [Zope-dev] Access problem.

Arndt Droullier
Wed, 25 Sep 2002 20:48:29 +0200

> -- I am developing a CMF "link" product which defines its own traverse
>  method:
>   def __bobo_traverse__(self, request, name=None):
>     "Traverse method hook"
>     if hasattr(self, name):
>       # return own attributes/subobjects
>       return getattr(self, name)
>     else:
>       t= self.getTarget()
>       if hasattr(t, name):
>         # return target's attributes/subobjects
>         return getattr(t, name)
>       else:
>         return t
> -- It works fine under the ZMI but when I try to access an object of this
> product into a CMF portal using the CMF interface, Zope requests me login
> name and password (even if I am admin!!), which it doesn't accept, so the
> only way to continue is to cancel instead of triying to log in.

I had a similar problem when accessing the request object in
__bobo_traverse__(self, request, name). Authentication didnīt work
I donīt what happens in getTarget() but maybe thatīs the problem.