[Zope-dev] Re: [ZODB-Dev] [Bug] FileStorage packing looses data

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@zope.com
10 Apr 2003 13:11:05 -0400

On Thu, 2003-04-10 at 06:18, Dieter Maurer wrote:
> ATT: cross post
> We have a nasty FileStorage packing bug
>    <http://collector.zope.org/Zope/875>
> The bug is caused by a strange handling of backpointers
> during pack's copying phase: the code checks whether the
> backpointer goes to a packed or unpacked position.
> When it goes to a packed record, it guesses what new value
> the backpointer should have -- and it guesses wrong.
> This can lead to data loss!

It actually picks an invalid location?!?  I have actually been aware of
this bug for a few weeks, but hadn't placed a high priority on fixing it
because I didn't believe it would occur in practice :-(.

> Currently, "pack" treats its two phase quite asymmetrically
> with respect to position resolution:
>   Packing phase:
>     backpointers are resolved
>     "prev" and "nvprev" positions are determined via "index/nvindex"
>   Copying phase:
>     backpointers are not resolved but adjusted depending on whether
>       they point to packed or unpacked records
>     "prev" and "nvprev" are only adjusted via "index/nvindex"
>     when they point to packed data. Otherwise they are
>     adjusted via a constant offset.
> I do not see any reason why this should not be symmetrical:
>   all backpointers resolved
>   all positions determined via "index/nvindex"
>   No more guessing, no longer an offset that needs to be held constant.
>   What is correct for packed data should be correct for not
>   yet packed data, as well.
> Do you see an error in this argument?

I don't see an error in the argument, but the logic of pack() is
complicated enough that I don't have a lot of confidence.  Would you
care to develop a patch?  There's a test -- checkPackVersionsInPast,
currently disabled -- that provides at least a minimal test of the
