[Zope-dev] Re: [Zope-Coders] Roundtrip-safe DAV

Leonardo Rochael Almeida leo at hiper.com.br
Wed Dec 15 16:32:08 EST 2004

Em Qua, 2004-12-15 às 20:53 +0100, Andreas Jung escreveu:
> Please post your patches to the Zope Collector. This list is not the right 
> place
> to submit patches since they might get lost.

Though this (zope-dev) is the right place to discuss them (I suggest we
stop crossposting to zope-coders to avoid duplication).

I haven't looked at the patches, but I like the idea of limiting the
visibility of DAV items to those that make sense.

Cheers, Leo

Leonardo Rochael Almeida <leo at hiper.com.br>

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