[Zope-dev] Re: 2.7 management_page_charset cannot be callable

Alan Milligan alan at balclutha.org
Fri Jan 16 00:45:38 EST 2004

This indeed is a problem.

Isn't this an issue because all of these quasi-private methods have a 
document string and are hence callable via an http request?  If we were 
to remove the doc string from manage_form_title (ie via rewriting this 
as a python method which delegates to the underlying DTML (made 
private)), then this method would then render itself callable only via 
DTML/ZPT etc wouldn't it???


Shane Hathaway wrote:

>On Fri, 16 Jan 2004, Alan Milligan wrote:
>>Tres Seaver wrote:
>>>That change is one of a number which are designed to prevent 
>>>cross-site scripting attacks;  DTML is particularly vulnerable to such 
>>>cracks, as it doesn't force the template writer to choose the source 
>>>from which the name will be bound.
>>>Your scenario is actually quite close to the posited attack:  imagine 
>>>that user 'black_hat' inserts a document whose title has nasty 
>>>javascript in an 'onload' attribute of a tag;  such javascript can be 
>>>used, for instance, to steal cookies, to post to 'manage_shutdown', etc.
>>Who are we trying to protect ourselves from??
>We are protecting ourselves from nasty URLs written by anyone on the web. 
>Because DTML is so implicit, it is conceivable that an URL like the 
>following might kill your site (or worse!):
>For a black hat to exploit your site, he only needs to convince you to
>follow the link.  This is what is known as a cross-site scripting bug and
>it's a widespread problem for all dynamic web servers like Zope.  People
>are really concerned about it.  The only cure is to HTML-quote by default.  

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