[Zope-dev] ZConfig change breaks Zope 2 and Zope 3

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Sun May 8 09:30:21 EDT 2005

> On Windows, this 15 months old change in ZConfig sets the default
> hostname for inet_address to 'localhost':

> So if nobody can tell me why ZConfig was changed, I propose to

That sounds good to me, as I can't understand why Windows would be different
here either.

While looking at this, I stumbled across the following code in

        ## AJ: We change 'localhost' to '' to force Medusa to use
        ## any network interface instead of using only This is
        ## a not totally clean solution :-/ See also Collector #1507.
        if os.name == 'posix' and 'localhost' in hostname.lower():
            hostname = ''

2 things struck me:
* 'localhost' in hostname.lower() appears odd - I would expect ==.
* that we probably want to do that for windows too

As the comments explicitly reference 1507 and the code references
'localhost', it may be worth examining too.



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