[Zope-dev] Re: Time-based releases a good idea?

Chris McDonough chrism at plope.com
Wed Jun 14 12:54:13 EDT 2006

On Jun 14, 2006, at 12:32 PM, Lennart Regebro wrote:

> On 6/14/06, Chris McDonough <chrism at plope.com> wrote:
>> That is the case for meta_types and __ac_permissions__ but I think  
>> you
>> mistook the fact that "methods" followed a comment that said "handle
>> old-style product data" for the fact that it was deprecated.  But it
>> never was officially deprecated, nor did it ever need to be.  It just
>> *happened* to follow that comment, lumped in with meta_types and
>> __ac_permissions__.  The deprecation warning is nonsensical there.
>> "please use registerClass instead" is a non-sequitur as a deprecation
>> warning, because registerClass will not help you do what "methods"  
>> does.
> Ah, well, then we have two overlapping issues that causes this  
> problemo:
> 1. We did not use deprecation warnings years ago.
> 2. "methods" issue deprecation warnings by mistake.
> (In fact, 2 is an effect of 1, as the warning comes because it was
> unclear what was deprecated.)
> This means that we in any case definitely should NOT remove "methods"
> until 2.11, if at all. :)

+1 to "not at all" from me ;-)

> So this is not a problem with deprecation period, time based releases
> or anything else, then.

There are problems with the deprecation period, but only for  
__ac_permissions__ and meta_types assuming we choose not to deprecate  

If we were naive, we'd change the deprecation warning messages for  
__ac_permissions__ and meta_types in 2.9.4 from "will disappear in  
2.10" to "will disappear in 2.11".

But since we decided (in another offshoot of this thread) that it  
only makes sense to deprecate things in .0 releases, what *should*  
happen is that we should forget about all of this and add "will  
disappear in 2.12" to what will become 2.10.0.

- C

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