[Zope-dev] Re: [Plone-developers] PAULA: bringing Zope 3's authentication to Plone and beyond

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Sat Jul 12 03:42:52 EDT 2008

--On 11. Juli 2008 18:04:16 -0700 Florian Friesdorf <flo at chaoflow.net> 

> On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 10:56:19PM +0200, Wichert Akkerman wrote:
>> Previously Florian Friesdorf wrote:
>> > Hi *,
>> >
>> > within the scope of google summer of code I am integrating zope 3's
>> > PAU with Plone's PAS and further enable (non-AT) content objects as
>> > source for users and groups. All functionality is developed in pure
>> > zope3, the plone integration is happening in a separate packages.
>> >
>> > All documents describing the project, as well as links to the code can
>> > be found here:
>> >
>> > https://chaoflow.net/projects/gsoc2008/z3membrane-ldap
>> The one thing I am missing is: why?
> Well, Zope moved onwards from PAS to PAU and I think Plone should too,
> because:
>- PAU is way more pythonic and cleaner than PAS/PlonePAS, it is
> easier to write   stuff for PAU;

More pythonic or not...writing a PAS plugin is fairly easy and trivial.
We have to maintain APIs that we were using for a long time for the sake
of backward compatibility (for the sake of plone users and the sake of 
plone PAS developers).  I want API stability. I don't want to change my 
code just because someone means that a layer would be nice. We already have 
enough various spots in side Plone where you have at least two choice for 
implementing things with different technologies..please not yet another 
such spot.


> - we should use as much as possible of Zope3 and avoid custom solutions,
>   increasing the mutual benefit of all Zope3-based projects.
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