[Zope-dev] Restricted Python not handling slices correctly

Shane Hathaway shane at hathawaymix.org
Thu Jun 5 20:50:03 EDT 2008

Stephan Richter wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am starting to use Restricted Python a lot and I found the following problem 
> with slicing:
>>>> from zope.security import checker
>>>> l = [1, 2]
>>>> l[-3:]
> [1, 2]
>>>> lp = checker.ProxyFactory(l)
>>>> lp[-3:]
> [2]
> The problem is that -3 gets converted to 1 somewhere, but it should be a 
> negative number signalizing the slice to start at the beginning of the 
> sequence.
> The problem exists both in Python 2.4 and 2.5 and affects both Zope 2 and 3, 
> since both Zopes use the RestrictedPython package.
> I suspect that the problem lies with the new slicing syntax introduced in 
> Python 2.4. I am willing to fix the bug, but I would need some guidance and 
> goodwill from the gods of RestrictedPython. Anyone?

Are you in fact using RestrictedPython?  The code snippet looks like it 
only uses a security proxy.  RestrictedPython is a custom Python 
compiler; you're not using it unless your interactive Python prompt uses 
RestrictedPython to compile all expressions.

The behavior you saw is exactly what happens when an object implements 
__getitem__ and __len__ but not __getslice__.  If lp matches that 
description, and the length of lp is 2, then Python evaluates "lp[-3:]" 
as "lp.__getitem__(slice(-1, 2147483647, None))".  I wish Python would 
instead evaluate it as "lp.__getitem__(slice(-3))", but maybe there are 
historical reasons for this.

OTOH, if RestrictedPython really is involved, RP will convert the 
expression to "_getitem_(lp, slice(-3, None))", which would probably do 
what you wanted, assuming the _getitem_ function is not too clever.

BTW, here's the code I used to answer this email. :-)

 >>> class itemgetter:
...     def __getitem__(self, i):
...         return i
...     def __len__(self):
...         return 2
 >>> itemgetter()[-3:]
slice(-1, 2147483647, None)


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