AW: [Zope-dev] Re: New i18n locale extraction concept

Roger Ineichen dev at
Wed May 7 06:51:30 EDT 2008

Hi Maurits

> Betreff: [Zope-dev] Re: New i18n locale extraction concept
> Christian Zagrodnick, on 2008-05-01:
> > On 2008-05-01 02:06:17 +0200, "Roger Ineichen" 
> <dev at> said:
> >> 
> >> 
> >> What does this mean?
> >> The locale extraction is now a part of a recipe and not a 
> part of a 
> >> package itself.
> >> 
> >> My goal is to remove the dependencies in the 
> z3c.recipe.i18n, because 
> >> right now it uses the base implementation in 
> which 
> >> makes it depend on the hole zope namepsace. Because of the overall 
> >> zope.* dependenc in
> >
> > Actually, there is lovely.receipe:i18n which provides i18n 
> extraction. 
> > Does z3c.recipe.i18n something else or why is there yet 
> another i18n 
> > recipe?
> For me a downside of lovely.recipe:i18n is that it has too many
> dependencies: the whole of zope.  When easy installing it in 
> a virtual env, you end up with 44 MB of eggs.
> For comparison, easy installing i18ndude needs about 6 MB.

Yes, that's what I was asking for. The
has dependencies to each i18n aware zope.* package because it
offers transalation for this packages. And at the same time
it offers the script which could be used by
other projects. This ends in having dependencies to all 
zope.* packages. We need to split the locale extraction
concept and the concret zope.* package extraction part into
two different packages. Then we can reuse the local extraction
concept wihtout dependencies to the full zope.* package tree.

Roger Ineichen

> See this (currently) small thread in grok-dev:
> --
> Maurits van Rees |
>             Work | "This is your day, 
> don't let them take it away." [Barlow Girl]
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