[Zope-dev] the Zope Framework project

Stephan Richter srichter at cosmos.phy.tufts.edu
Tue Mar 3 11:36:38 EST 2009

On Tuesday 03 March 2009, Tres Seaver wrote:
> Stephan, I *have* managed a large set, and I'm *certain* that the KGS is
> useful for many cases:  it just doesn't work for me for any large
> production application:  I don't want to rely on the iffy availability
> of eggs from PyPI, for instance, which means that running a separate,
> per-project index is my only recourse anyway.  Once you are running your
> own index, it's contents *are* a KGS, just not one managed using the
> 'versions.cfg' machinery.

Who says that you cannot use your own index with the KGS? Do you think I use 
the official PyPI location for production? We use two approaches at Keas:

(1) Use a PyPI proxy server that caches all needed packages locally.

(2) Use zc.sourcerelease so that all packages are part of the big source TAR 

Both approaches work just fine and we are still using the KGS for our version 
pinning. So here is an example of a typical buildout.cfg that we have:

extends = versions-3.4.0.cfg
versions = versions
find-links = http://eggs.gokeas.com/eggs

keas.kmi = 0.3.1
lxml = 2.1.2
mechanize = 0.1.8
MySQL-python = 1.2.2
python-dateutil = 1.4.1
RelStorage = 1.1.1
setuptools = 0.6c9
z3c.datagenerator = 0.0.3
z3c.form =
z3c.formjs =
z3c.menu.ready2go =
z3c.rest = 0.2.5
z3c.traverser = 0.2.3
z3c.versionedresource = 0.4.0
zc.testbrowser =
zope.annotation = 3.4.1
zope.app.appsetup = 3.8.0
zope.app.container = 3.7.0
zope.container = 3.7.0
zope.app.locales = 3.4.5
zope.app.publisher = 3.5.0
zope.i18n = 3.5.0
zope.publisher = 3.5.4
zope.security = 3.5.2 # Updated secure function list for Python 2.5
zope.sendmail = 3.5.0
zope.server = 3.5.0
zope.testing = 3.5.5
simplejson = 1.9.1
hurry.query =
gocept.registration =
lovely.session =

Stephan Richter
Web Software Design, Development and Training
Google me. "Zope Stephan Richter"

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