[Zope-PAS] How to use (and develop) an authentication plugin?

Antonio Larrosa Jiménez antlarr at tedial.com
Fri Dec 3 03:45:54 EST 2004

On Wednesday 01 December 2004 22:46, Willi Langenberger wrote:
> Have you activated the plugin (under the "Activate" tab of the
> ZODBUserManager object)?

Hmm, sorry for not answering before, I was writing you an answer yesterday 
asking a second question, and then found a solution to it and forgot about 
the mail :)

Of course, you were right and it was a simple solution like that. Thanks for 
that, now my own user manager plugin works great.

But now I have another problem. I've added a ZODB Role Manager (and my own 
Role Manager, but since I have the same problem with the ZODB, let's talk 
about that before).

Ok, so In that role manager, I've added my own role "myrole", but when looking 
at the Security tab of any object, "myrole" doesn't appear (just the usual 
Anonymous, Authenticated, Manager and Owner ).

Yes, I've already activated all the IRolesPlugin, IRoleEnumerationPlugin and 
IRoleAssignerPlugin interfaces of the ZODB role manager.

Any idea about what can I try now ?


Antonio Larrosa
antlarr at tedial.com
TEDIAL - Tecnologías Digitales Audiovisuales, S.L.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía
C/ Severo Ochoa, nº 10, 1ª planta
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