[ZWeb] erm assumptions

Paul Everitt paul@eurozope.org
Tue, 12 Nov 2002 17:38:31 +0100

On mardi, nov 12, 2002, at 16:50 Europe/Paris, george donnelly wrote:

> well, it wouldn't be very different from zopezen, for example, except 
> that
> it would be on zope.org :)

While I'm not the person to make the pronouncement on this, my guess is 
that the odds of getting new software at zope.org are, uhh, low. :^)

Before we create a new workflow, we should figure out what it means for 
the other workflows (creating a News Item on zope.org, sending an email 
to zope-announce, posting it on ZopeZen, etc.)  I recognize runyaga's 
"just get it done" position, but I worry that we'll cause a bit of 
confusion about how to get information out.
