[Zope] Unable to get manage scree ... looping on contacting host

jhauser@ifm.uni-kiel.de jhauser@ifm.uni-kiel.de
Tue, 6 Apr 1999 22:23:37 +0200 (CEST)

I start normally a second netscape with the commandline option
-no-session-managment , this is then my anonymous user. Thanks for the 
virtual screens of modern windowmanagers :-)


Bill Anderson writes:
 > Which reminds me ... it would be nice if I could set  some sort of time
 > limit on authorizations, or a way to log out of the management screens.
 > Quite annoying to have to kill the browser to log in as another user
 > (for verification, etc.), or to make sure no-one else is able to get in.
 > Is there somewhere this can be done that I am missing?
 > -- 
 > Bill Anderson 					Linux Administrator
 > MCS-Boise (ARC)					banderson@boi.hp.com
 > My opinions are just that; _my_ opinions.
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