[Zope] sqltest vx. var

Doug Wyatt doug@sonosphere.com
Sat, 10 Apr 1999 05:47:40 -0400

At 10:00 +0000 3/10/99, Tony McDonald wrote:
> Can #sqltest handle the 'wildcard' situation in MySQL (and probably
> other DBMSs too)
> select * from tbl where tbl_val like '%nib%' is a different SQL query from
> select * from tbl where tbl_val = 'niblet'
> my attempt...
> select *
> from tbl where
> <!--#sqltest tbl_val type=string multiple-->


I just dug this up in the archive while realizing I want to do precisely
what you're asking: 	tbl_val like '%nib%'

I couldn't get your example to work.  I ended up doing this:

select * from Book
<!--#sqlgroup where-->
	<!--#if "_.len(xauthor)"-->
		author LIKE <!--#sqlvar xauthor type=string-->
	<!--#if "_.len(xbookTitle)"-->
		title LIKE <!--#sqlvar xbookTitle type=string-->
order by author, title

where xauthor and xbookTitle are the arguments, and the caller has put '%'
on either end of them.  I tried adding the '%'s in the SQL method, and this
worked when testing the SQL method, but not when it was called from my DTML
