[Zope] Remote Administration under NT

Robert Neuschul robert@imagine.co.uk
Mon, 12 Apr 1999 06:31:07 +0100

Hi guys

I'm a real newbie here; downloaded Zope Friday night, been playing and 
reading and enjoying the web site. Much food for thought.

I have the Manager module working fine on the localhost under NTS using 
Service Pack4 with no problems whatever, having disabled both Secure 
and Basic authentication as instructed.

However the same Network Domain Administrator cannot run the Manager 
module remotely. I've puzzled over this, checked permissions and 
generally tinkered with a few things and can't get my head around this 
one. It's not a critical failure right now, since I can pull the server 
screen up in an X-Win session and handle management functions as a 
localhost login, but it would be nice to figure this one out.

For background: all workstations [bar one] are NTW/SP3 or SP4. Only 
protocol is TCP/IP and there are both PDC and BDC machines: network is 
running DNS/DHCP/WINS. DC Servers are not part of the DHCP scope. 
Exception machine is running NT W2K beta.

I've tried a quick search throught the FAQ's and mailing but can't find 
anything specific to this problem.

Many thanks

Robert Neuschul.