[Zope] external and sql methods

ainis ainis@mindless.com
Wed, 04 Aug 1999 13:08:27 -0700

Tony McDonald wrote:

> At 11:38 am -0700 4/8/99, ainis wrote:
> >Is there any way to call sql method from external method?
> >
> Yes.
> def dopey_example(self):
>         for the_item in self.your_ZSQL_method(param1=your_val,
> param2=your_val2):
>                 do_interesting_things_with(the_item)
> 'self' is your link to the Zope system (ie if you have a property
> called 'quote', then self.quote will obtain that for you).

Ok, and how about opening files/objects in zope folder with external
method? For example I have in the same zope folder Book1.txt file which
I have to parse and pass it to the SQL method. Do I have to supply full
path: open(/usr/local/Zope bla blabla/Book1.txt....)  [I cannot do it
open('self.Book1.txt'..]      or can I somehow open all files/objects in
current folder without supplying path?

And one more question- how do I make a form that allows to upload files
to some zope folder?