[Zope] Fat Python process...

Arnaud Lecat lecat@hexanet.fr
Wed, 22 Dec 1999 19:07:58 +0100


We have finally installed Zope on a computer. The first thing my
sysadmin shows me is that Zope is  time CPU greedy !!!

We tested the following configuration : PII 350, Apache + latest Zope.
We have only one site installed.

We make "intense" access to the site, 2 persons surfing fast through the
site and the python process grows up to 12 or 15% time CPU... that is
huge !

Is there something we miss or is Zope a real CPU eater ???
       >> WinErr: 080 Clavier introuvable - Veuillez appuyer
          sur n'importe quelle touche pour continuer. <<

Arnaud LECAT >> Email: lecat@hexanet.fr >> WWW

                    HEXANET >> http://www.hexanet.fr

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