[Zope] - Bug or Error? in ZMySQL

LEE, Kwan Soo kslee@plaza1.snu.ac.kr
Mon, 25 Jan 1999 23:21:24 +0900

Well, I wish this is my error, but as far as I see, it seems otherwise.
I've searched the zope list but failed to solve this problem.

The ZMySQLDA-1.1.2-nonbin.tar.gz and python 1.5.1 are installed.
Using Zope 1.9.0 with PCGI through apache redirection.
MySQL server version is 3.21.30 installed from mysql-3.21.30-rh50.1.rpm
and mysql-client from mysql-client-3.21.30-rh50.1.rpm.
OS is RedHat 5.2.
(with no attribution at myhost/Zope/ yet. this site  is not 'released'

I have a SQLMethod

ID:  update_anot
ConnectionID: MySQL
Arguments:  words type id timestring url expla

Query template:
update anots
set words = <!--#sqlvar words type=nb-->
and type = <!--#sqlvar type type=string-->
and url = <!--#sqlvar url type=string-->
and expla = <!--#sqlvar expla type=nb-->
id = <!--#sqlvar id type=string--> and
timestring = <!--#sqlvar timestring type=string-->

and auto-made serch input form 'y' :
<form action="x" method="get">
<tr> <th>Words</th>
<td><input name="words" width=30 value=""></td></tr>
<tr> <th>Type</th>
<td><input name="type" width=30 value=""></td></tr>
<tr> <th>Id</th>
 <td><input name="id" width=30 value=""></td></tr>
<tr> <th>Timestring</th>
 <td><input name="timestring" width=30 value=""></td></tr>
<tr> <th>Url</th>
 <td><input name="url" width=30 value=""></td></tr>
<tr> <th>Expla</th>
 <td><input name="expla" width=30 value=""></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=2 align=center>
<input type="SUBMIT" name="SUBMIT" value="Submit Query">
<!--#if HTTP_REFERER-->
  <input type="SUBMIT" name="SUBMIT" value="Cancel">
         VALUE="<!--#var HTTP_REFERER-->">
<!--#/if HTTP_REFERER-->

and auto-made report form x:

<!--#in update_anot size=50 start=query_start-->
   <!--#if sequence-start-->

      <!--#if previous-sequence-->
        <a href="<!--#var URL--><!--#var sequence-query
        (Previous <!--#var previous-sequence-size--> results)
      <!--#/if previous-sequence-->
      <table border>

   <!--#/if sequence-start-->


   <!--#if sequence-end-->
      </table>      <!--#if next-sequence-->
         <a href="<!--#var URL--><!--#var sequence-query
         (Next <!--#var next-sequence-size--> results)
      <!--#/if next-sequence-->
   <!--#/if sequence-end-->


  There was no data matching this <!--#var title_or_id--> query.


(actually I used custum edited ones. however auto-made ones do the same
curious thing)

I have test several pairs of data input through the search form y and
whenever & whatever I did, y-update_anot-x tripple makes words field '0'
and do not update any other field.
Same pairs succeeded to update through mysql at telnet terminal.

Now what is my fault?
Please tell me, then you are a God-send angel!!!

        LEE Kwan Soo

p.s. What I'm afraid of is reinstalling mysql from source codes. Should
I do it?