[Zope] Info about a Z Gadfly Database in a DTML doc

ggtr@club-internet.fr ggtr@club-internet.fr
Thu, 08 Jul 1999 09:31:25 -0700

Hello zopers,

I'm new in Zope, and i can't deal with that : how can i reach
informations about tables from a Z Gadfly Database Connection?

For example, using the 'Sample Gadfly script' from a Zope How-to, how
can i get the fact that the 'Zopadelic' base has one table, 'zopista',
which has 2 columns (col_a and col_b) from the int type ?

Of course i can get that info with the browse tab, but my need is to
get that from a DTML document (which will be the beginning of a little
web interface for Gadfly i hope.)
I read the docs and didn't find the answer, do i have to code a
external method?

Hope this is clear, i'm not sure of my english ;)

Guillaume Gautier