[Zope] Installation

Shan Vosseller updates@vsarts.org
Mon, 26 Jul 1999 17:54:11 -0400

I just downloaded the 1.10.3-3 complete main and pcgi rpms from jbauer's 
site and installed them for use with pcgi and apache 1.3.6.  I installed
both packages, edited the access file, and copied the cgi to my cgi-bin
directory.  When I go to:


I get:

Temporarily Unavailable
The resource you requested is temporarily unavailable - please try again
later. (102) failure during connect

I went to the online troubleshooting guide, and 'nobody' owns the
/var/local/zope/var directory with all privs enabled.  The only file in that
directory is Data.bbb and that is also owned by nobody with rw permissions.
/var/tmp is empty and pcgifile.py says that the Zope.cgi file looks okay.
HTML comment says: Connection refused
pcgi-wrapper-version 2.0a5

I am out of ideas.  Any suggestions?  Sorry for the newbie-ish question, but
I seem to have exhausted everything I can think of.  Feel free to reply
directly to shannonv@vsarts.org.
