[Zope] Tree tag and SQL methods

Phillip J. Eby pje@telecommunity.com
Thu, 29 Jul 1999 12:16:05 -0500

At 06:32 PM 7/29/99 +0200, Thomas Weiner wrote:
><!--#with "_.namespace(sqid=0, param=1)"-->
>  <!--#tree id=sqid branches_expr="adr_suche3(sqid=sqid, param=param, 
>  Crit1_and_or=Crit1_and_or)" single=0-->
>Crit1_and_or is a list coming from a request, which I want to use in the
>SQL method ('adr_suche3').
>The tree works fine in the first level. 
>With the second level I receive an 'Error value: Crit1_and_or'. The
>Error value also occurs if I try to give Crit1_and_or a new value in the
>SQL method (e.g. 'select *, '' as Crit1_and_or'). 
>Without this parameter tree and sql-method do, what they should.
>What I'm doing wrong here?

Selecting '' as Crit1_and_or will make it a string, not a list.  So if your
code relies on Crit1_and_or being a list, it will fail.