[Zope] ANN: Experimental zope->static html mirror external method

Dr. Ross Lazarus rossl@med.usyd.edu.au
Sat, 05 Jun 1999 22:35:04 +1000

Anyone needing to write a static html rendition of a zope site to a file
system is welcome to try a very rough pre-alpha external method. 

fileme.py and fileme.txt are available via anonymous ftp at
rossl.gmp.usyd.edu.au - or ftp://rossl.gmp.usyd.edu.au/ if you need to
use a web browser.

A more stable product will eventually appear. Please only try this
release if you like to live dangerously....wget is safer and can
probably do a better job.

Bug reports, fixes and constructive comments to rossl@med.usyd.edu.au