[Zope] Heres my canView Method

Jay, Dylan djay@lucent.com
Wed, 16 Jun 1999 16:20:01 +1000

This method will in most instances return 1 if the specified user can view a
particular object. You have to give it a string path of the object relative
to the current context. It will handle url type paths as well ie
<!--#if "canView('folder/index_html', AUTHENTICATED_USER)"--> and
<!--#if "canView('folder.index_html', AUTHENTICATED_USER)"--> will both
I think this will give the correct result in most cases. However I stil
think it should be an built in method as I think the code below is quite
slow and if the real user validation code is done at the C level then it
would be better to use that.

from AccessControl.Permission import Permission
import string

def canViewObj(SomeObject, userRoles):
  if hasattr(SomeObject,'_View_Permission'):
    Roles = getattr(SomeObject,'_View_Permission')
    if 'Anonymous' in Roles:
      return 1
      for i in userRoles:
        if i in Roles:
          return 1
      # ok, try parents
      if SomeObject.acquiredRolesAreUsedBy('View') != '':
        return canViewObj(SomeObject.aq_parent, userRoles)
        return 0
  elif hasattr(SomeObject, 'aq_parent'):
    return canViewObj(SomeObject.aq_parent, userRoles)
    return 1   # Not sure about this case.

def canView(self, objName, AUTHENTICATED_USER):
  objName = 'self.'+string.replace(objName,'/','.')
  objName = string.replace(objName,'..','.')
  try: SomeObject = eval(objName)
  except: return 0
  return canViewObj(SomeObject, AUTHENTICATED_USER.getRoles())