[Zope] non-External methods (was -- Re: [Zope] [ZDP] Assorted FAQs)

Martijn Faassen M.Faassen@vet.uu.nl
Thu, 04 Mar 1999 15:51:55 +0100

Oleg Broytmann wrote:
> Hello!
>    I am new to Zope, and i want to clarify some problems.
> On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, Martijn Faassen wrote:
> > * How do I call an external method from DTML?
>    As far as I understand there are DTML objects (templates), Products and
> External methods. There is no such thing as "Internal" methods (objects,
> that live in Zope's object database). Are these 3 the only 3 kinds of
> executable (callable) things?

Hm, DTML methods can be called as well, naturally, that's why they're
called methods. They're called through URL. The DTML method then is
executed. This means executing any DTML in it and returning the
resulting HTML to the caller. One way of 'calling' a DTML method is by
using it in a form action, like this:

    <form action="your_dtml_method" method="POST"> 

(or method="GET", of course)

This does go through the browser, but it feels like you're calling
'your_dtml_method' when the user presses the submit button.

This is another way of 'calling' a DTML method:

<!--#var your_dtml_method-->

I'm sure there are more ways, and I'm a bit vague about this, so I'll
leave it up to other people to turn this into a nice FAQ. :)

