[Zope] RE: What method do I use to check access?

Martijn Pieters mj@antraciet.nl
Tue, 11 May 1999 14:23:08 +0200

At 01:28 11/05/99 , Jay, Dylan wrote:
> > Jay,
> >
> > Try <!--#if "AUTHENTICATED_USER.has_role('foo')"-->.  There was an
> > excellent posting in the archives about all the possibilities with the
> > user object.  Also read the files in the AccessControl folder inside
> > Zope/lib/python.
>the has_role method I already use and is not convienient as it means I have
>to hard code the roles.
>I've looked in AccessControl and only come across
>def allowed(self,parent,roles=None):
>but was unsuccessful in getting it to do what I want.
>I will look for that email in the archives.

AUTHENTICATED_USER.allowed won't do what you want, I think. A now 
deprecated method that is now replaced by has_role was nothing more than an 
alias to the allowed() method, so you cannot get any (or much) more 
information from allowed() than you can get from has_role().

Explain to us what you want to do.

Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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