[Zope] Local howto's...

Magnus Heino magnus@vuab.net
Wed, 24 Nov 1999 10:40:11 +0100


I dont know if anyone else but me want this, but anyway:

I only have ISDN at home. I therefore want to keep a copy of all Zope
Howto's locally.

This script will download all howtos currently available. It is just a
quick hack, but it does what I want.

#! /bin/zsh -f
wget -r -l 1 http://www.zope.org/Members/magnus/Howto
cd www.zope.org
cp -f Members/magnus/Howto index.html
sed 's/\/Documentation/Documentation/' index.html >tmp.html
rm -f index.html
sed 's/\/Members/Members/' tmp.html > index.html
rm -f tmp.html
sed 's/?pp=1//' index.html >tmp.html 
mv -f tmp.html index.html
for file in `find . -name "*index_html*"`; do mv -f $file `echo $file |
sed 's/?pp=1//'`; done
cd ..
echo "Done! `find . -name "*index_html*"|wc -l` How-To's are available
at `pwd`/www.zope.org/index.html"