[Zope] "include path" for DTML files

Andreas Jung ajung@sz-sb.de
Sat, 16 Oct 1999 15:34:42 +0200

Python functions (via external method) can open DTML 
templates (DocumentTemplate.HTMLFile). Where must I put the
template files or must I access the template files with full path ?

When I call DTML methods within such a external template file
that are setup with the management screen from Zope - how can I 
use these methods ?


                               (' O-O ')
   Andreas Jung, Saarbrücker Zeitung Verlag und Druckerei GmbH
   Saarbrücker Daten-Innovations-Center
   Untertürkheimerstraße 17, D-66103 Saarbrücken, Germany
   Phone: +49-(0)681-502-1528, Fax: +49-(0)681-502-1509
   Email: ajung@sz-sb.de (PGP key available)
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