[Zope] Help on ZCatalog

Kevin Dangoor kid@kendermedia.com
Sun, 17 Oct 1999 14:50:51 -0400


    Check out the ZCatalog Tutorial if you haven't already

    One way to get started with searching a ZCatalog is to create a "Z
Search Interface". This will give you a search form and a report. The report
shows you how you can search. Some basic syntax you can use:

<dtml-in "Catalog({artistname: 'Buffett'})">
...stuff to display the results...
<p><a href="<dtml-var "getpath(data_record_id_)">"><dtml-var title></a></p>

You use the getpath function to get the URL of the cataloged object.


-----Original Message-----
From: Willie Peloquin <wpeloqui@ismi.net>
To: zope@zope.org <zope@zope.org>
Date: Sunday, October 17, 1999 12:37 AM
Subject: [Zope] Help on ZCatalog

>I have created a ZClass and would like to use a ZCatalog, I have not been
>able to find any tutorial or an example to make this work.
>For example, I want to create a ZClass to contain CD objects, as in the
>tutorial. I now want to build a search screen to find all my Jimmy Buffett
>CD's. I use ZCatalog for that. I was able to set up a ZCatalog and find the
>CD instances, but that is as far as I could get, I don't understand how to
>search for ARTISTNAME = *, or something similar.