[Zope] redirection of whole sub-trees

Martijn Pieters mj@antraciet.nl
Wed, 08 Sep 1999 11:40:40 +0200

At 08:49 08/09/99 , Jay, Dylan wrote:
>Is it possible to make this product redirect whole sub-trees? I'm migrating
>a Zop1 site using cgi under IIS to Zope2 using ZServer. I want to redirect
>all the "/cgi-bin/zope.exe/(.*)" queries to "/\1" using the grouping syntax.
>since I'm not using apache I can't use mod_rewrite so this is the only
>option I can think of at the moment and I can't upgrade until I have the
>redirection in place.
>I can do the substitution no prob by changing after line 95 like so
>       for k in self.Mappings.keys():
>         m = re.match(k, Name)
>         if m:
>           Name = re.sub(k, self.Mappings[k], Name)
>But "Name" is not the remainder of the url :(

I believe there is a redirection product doing just that:


Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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