[Zope] <dtml-with> problem

Martijn Pieters mj@antraciet.nl
Thu, 09 Sep 1999 09:52:17 +0200

At 19:42 08/09/99 , Tom Schwaller wrote:
>hi all,
>I have a folder hierarchy like:
>            02
>            03
>where I use numbers for the folder names, which seems natural
>here. When I want to acces this objects with
><dtml-with "issue.1998.01">
>I get the following error:
>Expression (Python) Syntax error:
>invalid syntax
>, for tag <dtml-with "issue.1998.01">, on line 9 of ...
>of course something like
><dtml-with "issue.test">
>works without a problem. I would change the names if I could,
>but 1999, 2000 are difficult to rename :-)
>Any hint? (after a short holiday whitouht Zope I seem to
>have forgotten everything.. :-))
><dtml-with "_.getitem('issue.1998.01')">
><dtml-with "_['issue.1998.01']">
>do not work either, but I will need something
>in that direction, because "issue.1998.01",.. are just
>names which will come from an input form.

Sound like the 1999.01 part is first parsed as a number. This might 
actually be a bug.

Try <dtml-with "issue.1998"><dtml-with 01>

If this doesn't work, rename the folders to something including a letter, 
like m01 or i01 (for month and issue respectively)

Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
| Antraciet http://www.antraciet.nl
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