[Zope] Add new item menu...

Martijn Pieters mj@antraciet.nl
Wed, 15 Sep 1999 12:00:25 +0200

At 11:38 15/09/99 , Francisco Sam Castillo wrote:
>Martijn Pieters wrote:
> >
> > >Hello,
> > >I been trying to limit the options that get display on define group of
> > >users, Is there a way to limit the options on the selection drop menu 
> for a
> > >"Add a new item" for a specific previously define group?
> > What version of Zope do you use? Zope 2 does exactly this, it filters the
> > addable items list on what items the user actually has permission to add.
> >
>Yes I though as much (currently using 2.0 final) but you see I am using
>Zgold product to create a registration area for my site, and the python
>method use to create users and their directories, grants Manager status
>to the new user on their folder, and no matter how detail you go about
>defining security rights, the new user will inherit the managers rights
>I guess by adquisition, so the user breaches security and has full
>access to all products installed, no matter which set of security
>options are set.
>So I have modified the python method to grant only Owner rights and have
>also stablish the access scheme I want to grant but when this is done
>the user gets bock out of the non wanted to use areas but still can see
>them from the selection menu...and if the user selects them zope will
>send a nasty erro message which makes you feel like there is an error
>when there's non, BTW is there a way to catch errors and display an
>alternate solution from the standard_error_html?
>So this is my dilema sorry to write so much...
>If you have any ideas as to how to  change this I would appreciete it a
>lot, this is driving me crazy...

You should create a new role, like Members, and assign that role to your 
users. Then you can allow them to 'View Managementscreens' in you members 
subfolder, and add all the object add permissions you want them to have.

Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
| Antraciet http://www.antraciet.nl
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