[Zope] No more than two threads?

Tony McDonald tony.mcdonald@ncl.ac.uk
Thu, 23 Sep 1999 16:20:42 +0100

At 11:15 am -0400 23/9/99, Michel Pelletier wrote:
>I don't think Solaris 'ps' by default shows you threads, just processes
>(which can contain multiple contexts of execution -- threads).  I
>suspect there is a 'ps' option to show threads.

Sorry to waste your time Michel, a classic case of RTFM.......

% ps -efL | grep py | grep nnle

     nnle 20958 20927     1     1  0 16:17:21 pts/13   0:00 grep py
     nnle 17768 17767     1     8  0 12:57:37 ?        1:00 
/home/Zope-2.0.0-solaris-2.6-sparc/bin/python /home/Zope-2.0.0-solari
     nnle 17768 17767     2     8  0 12:57:37 ?        0:00 
/home/Zope-2.0.0-solaris-2.6-sparc/bin/python /home/Zope-2.0.0-solari
     nnle 17768 17767     3     8  0 12:57:37 ?        1:30 
/home/Zope-2.0.0-solaris-2.6-sparc/bin/python /home/Zope-2.0.0-solari
     nnle 17768 17767     4     8  0 12:57:49 ?        0:47 
/home/Zope-2.0.0-solaris-2.6-sparc/bin/python /home/Zope-2.0.0-solari
     nnle 17768 17767    10     8  1 13:49:22 ?        0:50 
/home/Zope-2.0.0-solaris-2.6-sparc/bin/python /home/Zope-2.0.0-solari
     nnle 17768 17767     6     8  0 12:58:57 ?        0:53 
/home/Zope-2.0.0-solaris-2.6-sparc/bin/python /home/Zope-2.0.0-solari
     nnle 17768 17767    11     8  0 13:52:49 ?        0:00 
/home/Zope-2.0.0-solaris-2.6-sparc/bin/python /home/Zope-2.0.0-solari
     nnle 17768 17767    13     8  0 15:38:56 ?        0:00 
/home/Zope-2.0.0-solaris-2.6-sparc/bin/python /home/Zope-2.0.0-solari
     nnle 17767     1     1     4  0 12:57:37 ?        0:00 
/home/Zope-2.0.0-solaris-2.6-sparc/bin/python /home/Zope-2.0.0-solari
     nnle 17767     1     2     4  0 12:57:37 ?        0:00 
/home/Zope-2.0.0-solaris-2.6-sparc/bin/python /home/Zope-2.0.0-solari
     nnle 17767     1     3     4  0 12:57:37 ?        0:00 
/home/Zope-2.0.0-solaris-2.6-sparc/bin/python /home/Zope-2.0.0-solari
     nnle 17767     1     4     4  0 12:57:37 ?        0:00 
/home/Zope-2.0.0-solaris-2.6-sparc/bin/python /home/Zope-2.0.0-solari
Dr Tony McDonald,  FMCC, Networked Learning Environments Project 
The Medical School, Newcastle University Tel: +44 191 222 5888
Fingerprint: 3450 876D FA41 B926 D3DD  F8C3 F2D0 C3B9 8B38 18A2